CONSTANTLY overflowing recycling bins in the Ashley Green Road lay-by in Chesham is frustrating its neighbours with its unsightly view.

Peter Zeyss of Sycamore Dene, Chesham thinks residents are "being let down" by the introduction of a bi-weekly refuse collection system- aimed at encouraging householders to produce less waste and recycle more, in order to help the council meet central Government recycling targets and avoid hefty financial penalties.

Though not against the principle or purpose of recycling, Mr Zeyss thinks it is ludicrous to adopt such measures when the amount of legitimately disposed recycling materials already far exceeds the six recycling units allocated for it.

A spokesman for Chiltern District Council said the recycling centre in Ashley Green Road was so popular people kept leaving more and more glass, paper, cans and plastic on top of the bins.

He added that in spite of regular collections the bins kept being re-filled to overflowing.

He said the problem was well known to the council and had been a long-standing issue upon which they had consulted with residents, Buckinghamshire County Council and Chesham Parish Council.

In a tripartite agreement it had been resolved that the number, size and location of recycling units, should not be increased.

Consequently the council said it would not increase the frequency of collections made from the centre as these were appropriate for the number of bins stored there.

But other residents say the problem is getting so bad it is attracting deliberate fly-tipping in the area.

Mr Zeyss said:"Fly-tippers have become aware of this disgraceful shambles and freely dump their rubbish at will.

"This is not the first time that I have had to raise the issue with the council."

The council admitted to the Free Press there had been problems with industrial waste being dumped at the centre which had also been used by travellers to dump their rubbish, but it had since erected a low overhead barrier to prevent caravan access.

A spokesman added that the council had been very successful in prosecuting fly-tipping, with more than three successful prosecutions in the last three months.