THE chairman of a campaign against a possible Workplace Parking Levy for High Wycombe wants to know what will happen to workplace Parking places if companies are not prepared to pay for their staff to use them.

Keith Rouse, general manager of marketing agency MPS International and acting chairman of Wycombe Against Levy on Parking (WALOP) is offering a bottle of champagne to the company that comes up with the zaniest idea for use of the spaces.

WALOP believes if the Government measure in the Transport Bill goes through local companies could face a £250 plus cost per vehicle a year which may be counterproductive to reducing pollution and curbing congestion.

It also feels it would increase on-street parking in residential areas.

Earlier this year members wrote to Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott to protest against the possible tax.

A reply to Mr Rouse concludes: 'I might also add that local authorities were asked to indicate in their provisional Local Transport Plans for the next five years whether or not they would be interested in using the new powers.

'You will be interested to learn that no interest was expressed in introducing either form of charging in High Wycombe.'

Anyone who is interested in helping Mr Rouse with ideas for an alternative use for a company car park should write to Jacqui Lane, Wycombe Against Levy on Parking, at MPS International Ltd, Peerland House, 207 Desborough Road, High Wycombe, HP11 2QL.

You can also put your views on to the WALOP Campaign Internet Petition at the MPS International website: