Posner's politics: Taking stock after nearly 500 days in power Posner's politics: Taking stock after nearly 500 days in power

THE Tories have now been power at the district council for nearly 500 days. The promises were big and bold before the election but what have the Conservatives achieved since taking charge of Wycombe District Council? I have to admit I'm struggling to come up with much, so I thought I'd give that much admired council chairman David Cox a call.

Like any politician, he immediately pointed out that the new administration had to deal with problems left by the old one. Typical phrases such as overspending and filling holes in the council's finances peppered his comments, but finally we got on to the nitty gritty. One of the council's first decisions was to remove members' rights to park anywhere in the district free of charge following a long campaign by the Free Press. Councillors can now only use one car park in High Wycombe free of charge when on official business. It was a well received reform which took into account public feeling on the issue.

Next we come on to housing transfer. You must have had your head in the sand for the last six months if you don't know what this one is about. Cllr Cox blames Government regulations for the No vote. His argument was that the council's message in places was full of jargon owing to strict rules on what they were allowed to tell tenants. Not a bad excuse but it doesn't quite hit the nail on head. The issue was rushed through with not enough time for proper consultation and debate. The council's offer document, outlining to tenants what they would get if they went for transfer, was not convincing enough.

If my memory serves me right didn't the Tories promise to sort out Positive Parking and that terrible bus lane if they came to power? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to work out that not a lot has been done. But, according to Cllr Cox, I'm much mistaken. The Tories have been beavering away behind the scenes on the issue. Removing the lane will take a specific Government act or otherwise the council will have to pay a penalty. At least we should be pleased that something might happen to remove that crazy lane from the town.

Other initiatives include putting park and ride on the backburner and trying to get a major through road for bus services to new developments in the town. You can't have many complaints on that score. Where I do take issue is the suggestion that the 'fantastic' Western Sector development will be a great Tory achievement if it ever gets off the ground. The previous Labour/ Lib Dem council should get a lot of credit if the project to rejuvenate High Wycombe ever comes to fruition.