WORRIED villagers demanded the repair of a steel gate after a travellers invaded a school playing field with their caravans.

WORRIED villagers demanded the repair of a steel gate after a travellers invaded a school playing field with their caravans.

A convoy of more than 50 caravans moved on to the Princes Risborough School playing field, on the corner of New Road and Kop Hill, Princes Risborough, at about midday last Thursday.

Police were called and, soon afterwards, an order was served on the travellers to vacate the site by 2pm the next day, which they did peacefully.

But people living nearby were annoyed that the travellers were able to gather on the field so quickly because the gate to the field off Kop Hill had not been repaired since it was damaged several months ago. It was replaced and made secure by Buckinghamshire County Council workmen earlier this week.

Brian Hill, Risborough's Neighbourhood Watch district coordinator, who lives in New Road, said: 'The convoy started arriving at about 12.30pm and it was just caravan after caravan.

'They must have cut the padlock or something but soon some of them managed to position their vehicles inside the gate. They got into the field while one blocked the entrance to let the rest of them in.'

He added: 'About three months ago some lad in a car ploughed through the gates, but since this accident nobody has properly repaired them. We have a lot of retired people in this area and several who live on their own get a bit concerned.'

Mrs Lynne Hancock, who lives directly opposite the field, said that she was concerned when the travellers arrived because her husband was away from home.

She saw workmen beginning repair work on the gate on Tuesday but added: 'We definitely want the gate put back because the travellers could just come back whenever they want.'

A spokesman for Buckinghamshire County Council, which owns the land, said as it was its responsibility to fix the gate and the required work had been carried out.