AVIATION enthusiasts flocked to witness loop-the-loops and other amazing feats of flying at a Model Air Show.

AVIATION enthusiasts flocked to witness loop-the-loops and other amazing feats of flying at a Model Air Show.

Onlookers were also treated to a pyrotechnical attack sequence where aircraft attacked and destroyed enemy ground installations.

The High Wycombe and District Model Aircraft Club put on the show at Hard To Find Farm, Daws Hill Lane, Flackwell Heath, on Sunday and more than 700 visitors were treated to flying displays and side shows.

Radio controlled model aircraft flying displays included vintage aircraft, sport and aerobatics, plus guiders and helicopters.

Alan Bristow, secretary of the club, said: 'It was a very good day and we were very lucky with the weather.

'There were lots of side shows to keep the kids happy and hopefully the demonstrations were interesting for everyone. We got very good vibes from all the people that came.'