ENTERPRISING shopper Sue Mahony took to the saddle when the petrol crisis forced her to get her groceries on horseback.

ENTERPRISING shopper Sue Mahony took to the saddle when the petrol crisis forced her to get her groceries on horseback.

Ms Mahony, 43, from Coombe Lane, Hughenden Valley, could not take her car to go shopping because of the shortage in fuel at petrol stations around the country.

But horse-loving Ms Mahony was not to be beaten and jumped into the saddle riding 15-year-old Twinnie to Peterley Manor Farm, near Prestwood, to pick up her potatoes.

The equestrian, who is a member of South Oxfordshire Riding Club and owns two horses, said: 'I think the tax levels are too high, but I think there are other ways of addressing it rather than trying to bring the country to a halt. I think people tend to over-react really.'

Ms Mahony, who cantered back to her home with her groceries in a rucksack, said: 'I have used a horse and trap as transport before.'