COUNCILLORS have backed plans for housing on the Quoitings site despite concern about a traffic calming scheme.

COUNCILLORS have backed plans for housing on the Quoitings site despite concern about a traffic calming scheme.

Wycombe District Council has agreed that Quoitings, a 17th to 18th century house in Oxford Road, Marlow, can be demolished and replaced with nine two-bedroom apartments, and two further houses.

The plan by the trustees of late Kenneth Balfour and Berkeley Homes Limited also proposes to raise a 42 metre section of the road outside the site to improve safety on the 30mph road.

Wycombe District Council originally discussed the scheme in July and said it was happy with the housing but deferred a decision because it was worried about the traffic calming part of the plan.

But the county council, which is the highway authority, reported to a meeting of the district council last week that this traffic calming scheme was its preferred solution to providing safe access.

Cllr Malcolm Blanksby (Ind, Marlow Bottom), said: 'Negotiations between our officers and county highway have not produced the results we want.'

Cllr Alex Collingwood (Con, Marlow North), said: 'Our policy states any proposal must provide satisfactory access and not cause undue inconvenience to road users, A speed hump table of 42-metres is going to cause a great deal of discomfort and inconvenience to road users.'

Despite members' concerns, the application was accepted.