A NAKED exhibitionist greased with body oil has been showing off to female dog walkers in the woods around Marlow Bottom.

A NAKED exhibitionist greased with body oil has been showing off to female dog walkers in the woods around Marlow Bottom.

The man, who drove his white Mercedes illegally into Burford Woods on Sunday morning has been seen stripping off and oiling-up.

One villager, who asked not to be named, said: 'He was stark naked and covered in baby oil. It is the talk of the village.'

An elderly villager who saw the man but also asked not to be named, said: 'I have never seen anything like this in the 22 years I have been here.

'I was walking along and saw the car and thought it was most odd. He would have had to weave through trees all the way from Lane End. You never know if someone is going to be in there with a hosepipe from the exhaust. I got closer and noticed somebody in the car, he was waving his arms about and his jacket was hanging in the back. He then got out of the car and had no clothes on, waving his arms around, covered in some sort of oil.

'My initial thoughts were this man is unbalanced, no one in a normal frame of mind would do this.'

The walker said he was probably trying to make an exhibition of himself, knowing that women often use the wood to walk their dogs.

Jim Hufflett, owner of Hufflett's Hardware in the Valley, said: 'I was more amused by the comments of the people who wondered whether he knew it is illegal to drive into the woods.

'The ladies could give a graphic description of the man but not one could remember his number plate. I heard somebody say they had taken their dog for a walk eight times.'

The man was described as being in his early 30s and black.

Anyone with information should contact Marlow Police Station on (01628) 816920