THE chairman of self-help group Careers Springboard has reported a steady stream of new members throughout the year in his annual review.

THE chairman of self-help group Careers Springboard has reported a steady stream of new members throughout the year in his annual review.

Careers Springboard, run by volunteer organisers, was formed in 1991 to help redundant managers and professionals get back into work. Over the years it has developed a level of expertise in job-search related subjects such as stress management, CV and letter-writing, interview technique and networking.

David McMullan said in his July review that although the incidence of very large-scale redundancies had decreased, staff numbers were still being reduced through mergers and acquisitions.

Between May and June this year 34 new members had registered with Careers Springboard with a further 20 who had come to meetings at least once, but did not stay long enough for various reasons to become registered as members.

Mr McMullan reported the buoyant job market has meant that many members are finding new jobs more quickly. However, in real terms, he said, the number of job vacancies for more experienced managers has not increased significantly.

He added that a database has been created containing the names of all previous members who are willing to be on the lookout in their new companies for jobs for current members.

Mr McMullan also reported the committee had lost Tess Neale who had moved while Malcolm Bradshaw had joined.

Careers Springboard meets every Monday at 8 pm at St Andrew's Church Hall, Packhorse Road, Gerrards Cross.

More details from (01753) 883418 or 884761