BUCKS men who died 100 years ago in the Boer War were remembered at the weekend in a special service.

BUCKS men who died 100 years ago in the Boer War were remembered at the weekend in a special service.

More than 300 people took part in the service at Coombe Hill in Wendover on Saturday, which was organised by the Royal Bucks Hussars Association.

Andrew MacTavish, who served with the Royal Bucks Hussars, said: 'It went extremely well. The music and the singing that was provided was excellent. It went perfectly and it was very moving. There were lots of reunions between old comrades.'

The memorial ceremony lasted around 30 minutes and representatives from various organisations laid wreaths.

The Lord Lieutenant of Buckinghamshire, Sir Nigel Mobbs laid a wreath and councillors from the district and county also attended.

Mr MacTavish added: 'It was a wonderful occasion and the weather was lovely. It was a very moving and emotional time for all who attended.'

The War Memorial at the top of Coombe Hill was put there in 1904 to list the names of all the men from Bucks who fell during the Boer War.

The second Anglo Boer War was declared in October 1899 and its cause was the resentment of the Afrikaans people, the Boers, against the British interests in Transvaal and the Orange Free State. It end in 1902.