Re: The Fight against Central Railway

BUCKSCRAG (Bucks Central Railway Action Group) are pleased that Chiltern Railways have been awarded the franchise but this unfortunately does not mean that the fight against Central Railway is over.

Re: The Fight against Central Railway

BUCKSCRAG (Bucks Central Railway Action Group) are pleased that Chiltern Railways have been awarded the franchise but this unfortunately does not mean that the fight against Central Railway is over.

We are concerned that part of Chiltern Railway's long term plan is the inclusion of four tracks in certain places and the general upgrading and reinstatement of the track could benefit Central Railway if they continue with their ill-conceived scheme.

We are given to understand that instead of admitting defeat, following the announcement of Chiltern Railway successful bid, Central Railway are preparing to submit their application under the Transport and Works Act next Spring.

Our technical expert, Don Gray, has challenged Central Railway to publish a joint working timetable in conjunction with Chiltern Railways for both passenger freight and services.

We also challenge Central Railway to state :-

a) why they now wish to continue with their scheme

b) how their scheme is to be financed

c) why they continue to advocate using Liverpool when most of British freight does not emanate from there

d) why they are insisting on using a rail system not used anywhere else in the UK

e) why they are intent in using overhead electrification, the installation of which is so environmentally damaging and visually pollutant

BUCKSCRAG will continue fighting the Central Railway scheme, on behalf of the many thousands of householders, residents and commuters who will be affected and for the protection of our environment, until this scheme is defeated.

To continue the fight there will be a Public Meeting at the Methodist Church Hall, High Street, Haddenham, on Friday 29th September commencing at 7.30pm.

Lee Archer


