IN celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Battle of Britain, which we ought really to think of as the Battle For Britain, members of the Royal Air Forces Association are striving for a better-than-ever response to the Wings Appeal for welfare funds.

IN celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Battle of Britain, which we ought really to think of as the Battle For Britain, members of the Royal Air Forces Association are striving for a better-than-ever response to the Wings Appeal for welfare funds.

Think, if you will, of where we might have been had the efforts of 'The Few' in the air, with their bomb-harassed ground support personnel, had not succeeded. And think, too, of the great service which RAF men and women have given since in many parts of the world - and are continuing to give.

The fight for welfare funds to provide aid to former servicemen and women goes on and will do so as long as the need is there. As just one of its many welfare services throughout the country, the association offers current and ex-service people places in its convalescent and respite care homes. There is, unfortunately, massive demand and ever-growing waiting lists.

The association, along with branch welfare committees dedicated to help, is committed to provide needed care for the RAF family, whatever the age and whatever the problem. It is a service which they are striving to expand but this can be done only, as a general public, if we remember the debt we all owe, digging deep into our pockets in gratitude.

The High Wycombe branch of RAFA raised £10,000 last year and is working to beat that. There will be collections tomorrow, September 16, and a memorial service on Sunday at the Parish Church and war memorial, a draw, and a concert by the RAF Central Band at the Swan Theatre on October 1 to bolster other branch efforts led enthusiastically by branch chairman Malcolm Christie and his committee.

May I express the hope that everyone will give full support, and generously. Whatever we do we can never fully repay the debt we owe.

Arthur Church

Desborough Avenue

High Wycombe