I ENJOYED last week's article by Caroline Oldfield regarding the Chiltern Heritage Trails, until I came to the comments regarding off-road cycling and particularly Penn Wood.

I ENJOYED last week's article by Caroline Oldfield regarding the Chiltern Heritage Trails, until I came to the comments regarding off-road cycling and particularly Penn Wood.

Unless the situation has changed drastically, there is no cycling access to Penn Wood - which was recently acquired by the Woodland Trust with help from many local people and organisations.

Discussions about limited cycling and horse riding access are currently taking place, and I'm afraid cyclists 'hammering' around the woods do not increase the chances of a favourable outcome.

Cyclists are legally allowed to use Bridleways, Byways and RUPPs (Roads Used as Public Paths) off road. There is also additional permissive access at places such as Wendover Woods and Black Park Country Park. Cyclists are not allowed off road on footpaths.

There is a view amongst other countryside users that off road cyclists neither know nor care where they are allowed to cycle, and just go where they please. This is not the case for the majority of cyclists, but articles such as yours fuel this view.

Could you please try to ensure the correct situation is publicised. Many of us would like to see wider off road access for cyclists, but if cyclists continue to behave irresponsibly, through either ignorance or intent, we may well end up with less.

Paul Thomas

Chiltern Society

Cycling Group

Address supplied