YOU may say that I should be writing this to the Wycombe Council Planning Office; but knowing them from past experience my complaint would no doubt be ignored.

YOU may say that I should be writing this to the Wycombe Council Planning Office; but knowing them from past experience my complaint would no doubt be ignored. I think that if your paper raised the point, they may consider the matter.

The point in question is the mowing of lawns in both front and back gardens if you live in a row of terraced houses.

A hundred years ago when terraced houses were built they invariably made provision for access from front to back by having an alleyway between properties so you could get access to your back garden without actually going through the house.

There is a case in Tylers Green where if you don't want to take your mower through the house, the alternative is to have nearly 400 yards trek around a row of houses to get to your front garden.

The sole reason for builders not providing this alleyway access is to save money. I know that these properties were built nearly 40 years ago - but builders are still making no provision for access - and the planning office are letting them get away with it.

R Thompson

Ashley Drive

Tylers Green