Re: Marlow Regatta

WE should be grateful to the Mayor of Marlow for explaining that no decision on the proposed move of the regatta to Eton has yet been taken but that a meeting of the 'subscribers' for this purpose is imminent.

Re: Marlow Regatta

WE should be grateful to the Mayor of Marlow for explaining that no decision on the proposed move of the regatta to Eton has yet been taken but that a meeting of the 'subscribers' for this purpose is imminent.

He also tells us that the decision will depend not on a majority vote of all subscribers but only of those who attend the meeting.

This being a matter which, as Mr Done says, affects 'the future of our town', I suggest that the regatta committee should be authorised to disclose to the Marlow Free Press the names of all the subscribers so that the town's people have the opportunity to persuade them how they should vote.

There are some very curious rules in the constitution of the subscribers' regatta and their committee. First, the committee may prescribe a limit to the number of subscribers and, whether or not this limit is exceeded, may decline to accept a subscriber without giving any reason.

Second, members of the governing committee are elected by the AGM but the committee may co-opt additional members.

Third, the committee decides how much the subscriptions will be and what will be the rights and privileges of individual members and may determine that different rights and privileges shall be enjoyed according to the level of subscriptions. Some citizens are apparently more equal than others.

Fourth, any number of vice presidents may be committee members without the obligation to pay any subscription.

In other words, the committee is in a position to exercise effective control over subscribers, who they are, how long they continue as members, what rights they have. No wonder subscribers have complained to me that they are ignored by the officers and the committee.

John Griffith

Spinfield Lane
