Plans to build a 24-hour Tesco mini-mart near homes has brought an angry response from nearby residents and small businesses.

Developers hope to demolish the Wellesbourne Service Station Esso garage on Amersham Road, keeping the pumps but adding a small supermarket where the car wash is currently sited.

People who run businesses in Amersham Road claim the move will lead to their closure and local residents say their lives would be a waking nightmar.

Mohammed Asghar, owner of Magnum Newsagent, opposite the site, said: "It will finish off the local community. We can't compete with the likes of Tesco and if they opened, we would definitely be forced to leave."

Mr Asghar, along with four other shops in the area, put a petition on his counter on Friday and has already collected about 250 signatures.

Jennifer Lockers, 25, who lives opposite the site, said: "It is such a busy junction up here and this will encourage more people. The fact that it could be 24 hours is awful."

Mr Nadarajah Kirupakaram, retail agent for the service station, said: "I appreciate people's worries and fears but I can't really say much about it because if they get permission they will go ahead with it. Personally I'm not very happy because after I've spent the last five years building this place up. They are going to give it over to Tesco."