Drug addict Victor Kavanagh died after accidentally overdosing on heroin, an inquest heard.

Mr Kavanagh, 29, was found face down on the floor of his bedroom at Lansdowne Road, Chesham, by his mother hours after returning from a night out on June 13. There was an empty syringe on his bed.

Mr Kavanagh, who was unemployed, had become increasingly dependant on drink and drugs, the High Wycombe inquest heard on Tuesday.

His mother Audrey Hewitt was too upset to give evidence but her statement said she was awoken by a loud noise from Victor's room in the early hours of June 14 . She went in to find him lying on the floor snoring loudly.

After telling her son to be quiet and warning him he would get cold, she went back to her room but decided to check on him later.

Mrs Hewitt's statement said: "For some reason I felt uneasy about entering. It was as if I sensed something was wrong. He was not making any noise and did not appear to be moving. I remember touching one of his arms and found it cold. I could not arouse him."

A post-mortem carried out on Victor's body found a very high level of morphine in his blood and showed he had died from cardio-respiratory arrest following a heroin injection.

Coroner Richard Hulett recorded a verdict of accidental death.

See Friday's Bucks Free Press for full story.