A NEWLY refurbished childrens' playground in Princes Risborough has been left littered with dangerous shards of glass from smashed bottles.

A NEWLY refurbished childrens' playground in Princes Risborough has been left littered with dangerous shards of glass from smashed bottles.

The hazardous mess at the Crescent Play Area, off Crescent Road, was reported to parish councillor Barbara Richer.

It is thought drinking youths are to blame for leaving it strewn with broken vodka and drinks bottles and tearing down a surrounding safety fence.

Mrs Richer said: 'Children could have their heads, hands or faces slashed to pieces because there is broken glass all over the new safety surface of the play area.

'Those responsible were obviously drinking but why do they have to smash the place where the younger ones enjoy themselves?

'They just run amok.'

The popular play area was refurbished in June and has proved a great success with young children throughout the summer.

Mrs Richer, who is the chairman of the town council's parks and recs committee, is especially disappointed because repair costs will vastly reduce the amount of spare money which was to be used to provide teenagers with new leisure facilities.

She explained: 'I just don't understand these people.

'I try every year to put something new in the budget for the different age groups in Princes Risborough including teenagers.

'But repair work to the fencing is going to cost a very considerable amount of money which will be difficult to find.'

Mrs Richer will be highlighting the issue to Princes Risborough Town Council at its next monthly meeting on Tuesday.