TRAVELLERS were moved on by police from a picnic site in an operation carried out yesterday morning.

TRAVELLERS were moved on by police from a picnic site in an operation carried out yesterday morning.

The group of caravans descended on the site in Holtspur Lane, Wooburn Green, on Monday, after a gate had been broken at the site.

Police served the travellers a notice on Wednesday to leave the site by 7am yesterday.

When officers arrived at 7.45am yesterday, there were still 28 vehicles on the site but police reported no trouble as the land was cleared by 9am.

A police spokesman reported no further damage to the site, and added that a minimum of rubbish had been left behind.

John Dalton, of Wooburn Parish Council, said he was relieved they had left the picnic site but voiced concerns about where they would go next.

He said: 'I do not like the fact that the parish seems to be under threat. This does not solve the problem. It just moves it on elsewhere.'