WHEN I learnt that one in ten women in the UK develops breast cancer, my first reaction was 'that could be me'.

WHEN I learnt that one in ten women in the UK develops breast cancer, my first reaction was 'that could be me'.

Having successfully fought a battle against thyroid cancer in 1998, I am only too aware of the vital role that research plays in finding new ways to detect cancer early and to treat it. So, I was thrilled to be asked to be Patron of The Cancer Research Campaign's Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

As a racehorse trainer for more than 40 years, I know that the earlier you can detect a problem with a horse, the more chance you have of being able to correct it. So it is with cancer.

That's why it's so important for women to be 'breast aware' by regularly checking their breasts for any lumps or other warning signs.

The great news is that thanks to improved treatment and medical advances made possible by the work of The Cancer Research Campaign, 70 per cent of all cases of breast cancer are now cured! Early detection also plays a vital part in this.

No one spends more than The Cancer Research Campaign on research into breast cancer and the way it impacts on the lives of patients and their families. Yet, despite this, The Campaign receives no Government funding and relies entirely on voluntary contributions.

That is why I am urging local people to join me in supporting The Campaign throughout October by helping raise the vital funds needed to further breast cancer research.

You can do this by taking part in Get in the Pink on Friday, October 6. You'll be among thousands of women (and men!) across the country who will be donning pink clothing to work, having pink coffee mornings or even inviting their friends to a pink champagne party!

You can also help by donning a pink ribbon, available for a donation of £1 from your local Cancer Research Campaign shop, or you can Get Busted, a fabulous Campaign fundraising event. You can organise your own event or simply take part in one of the many fun events going on around the country.

The Campaign will even provide you with your own Get In The Pink fundraising pack which is full of good ideas on ways you can get involved. If you would like a free pack, please call The Cancer Research Campaign on (0800) CANCER, that's (0800) 226237. Alternatively, to find out more, take a look at The Campaign's Breast Cancer Awareness Month pages at www.crc.org.uk

Please help us to make breast cancer history!

Jenny Pitman OBE

Patron of The Cancer

Research Campaign's

Breast Cancer

Awareness Month