I WOULD judge by the large lines of cars waiting for petrol last week that we don't want to scrap the car in favour of public transport.

I WOULD judge by the large lines of cars waiting for petrol last week that we don't want to scrap the car in favour of public transport.

The buses and trains seemed to run, but no-one wanted to use them. Cars are still the most reliable and direct means of transport. Even a petrol crisis won't put people off their cars.

We don't want the Channel Tunnel link either. Lorries are unlikely to use the link too. The only train link of any use to me is the London-Banbury line, our Chiltern line. Who else feels the same?

I didn't see any response from any Member of Parliament to the challenge that a fresh version of the same Central Railway application for planning permission thrown out by Parliament was making them useless.

If a parliamentary decision is not worth the paper it is written on, what use are the other decisions? This application makes a mockery of justice - thrown out is thrown out!

Clive Hubbard

Holtspur Top Lane
