CLUBS, societies, associations, schools and other non-profit-making organisations should pay a visit to the newly-launched Communigate web site.

Communigate offers an easy-to-use online site production facility, hosting, e-mail forwarding, visitors' books and noticeboards and there's absolutely no charges whatsoever for any of it.

Sites are organised in simple categories within Communigate, they can be changed as often as any club or society might wish, and Newsquest newspapers, including the Bucks Free Press, will be promoting Communigate on an on-going basis.

What better way to get clubs and socieites throughout the county organised on the Net and increase their audience? And those clubs which already have web sites need not waste their existing effort. Communigate sites can be linked to any number of existing sites.

Visit Commuigate next time you're on-line. A beginner could build a site of several pages in an hour.