ALEX Budny has always been interested in venture capital.

So when the opportunity came up to help set up the UK office of Swedish venture capital company Traction, he jumped at the chance.

Earlier this year Alex left his job as managing director of Design Facilities in Loudwater to join Traction UK.

"I knew the Swedish chairman of Traction and venture capital has always interested me," said the 30-year-old, of Marlow.

Alex is one of three Traction UK employees, all of whom have run companies. The team is headed by Erik Albinsson.

The offices are currently in Reading, although Alex is actively looking for premises in the Marlow through to Loudwater areas.

Traction UK invests in companies in two ways by providing venture capital up to a maximum of £5 million or through buying up administrations or receiverships to turn around.

The group has developed its own methodology and hands on management style which includes the creation of revenue before costs, taking risks only when the company can afford it and not becoming involved in the activities of a company that are better run by specialists in that company.

Alex said Traction doesn't make its money through dividend income, but through selling companies on.

"Our basic premise is that we regard our ownership as 'perpetual' but our shares are, in principle, always for sale at the right price and to a better owner - a company that is able to do more for the firm than Traction can."

Contact Traction on (0118) 918 6316.