A FORMER bond trader who worked in the City for 20 years has set out on a new career selling British contemporary art over the internet.

Niyan.com online gallery went live on July 7 and is dedicated to featuring the work of British artists, offering limited edition prints chosen for their quality and price.

"I have collected art for about 15 years and when one of the galleries where I bought went on to the internet, it suggested I should do the same," said Kevin Morgan, of Cedar Drive, Marlow Bottom.

It took Kevin two years to set up the secure site, which uses the latest SSL encryption, and concentrates on offering limited edition prints, chosen by Kevin for their quality and price.

It currently has about 250-300 images of the latest works by nine artists including Tony Boucher, who lives in Marlow and specialises in painting hands in watercolours and oils.

"The site will continuously expand as more artists are featured and exhibited who match our exact requirements," said Kevin.