February 6, 2001 9:51: BUCKINGHAMSHIRE County Council leader David Shakespeare has come up with an extra £1.3 million to spend on goodies next year in his first budget under the modernised cabinet structure.

He is putting £500,000 to help fight the county's battle to attract teachers and social workers to work in Bucks.

Some of the money will go as student bursaries in return for a pledge to come and work for the council after college.

Four more people will be taken on in the youth service at a cost of £100,000 with the specific job of attracting more volunteer workers.

And libraries will give a cheer as they get an extra £200,000 to buy more books.

There is another £100,000 to support business development and £300,000 to pump prime as yet undefined schemes.

If all this is agreed by the county council on February 22, people will see a 5.4 per cent increase in April in the council tax they pay for county services like education, social services and transport. That is in line with Government guidelines.