February 6, 2001 12:00: ALL over the country there are a lot of parents who twice a day put the lives of their children and other road users at risk by driving sometimes for just a minute or two and then parking outside schools as they disgorge their children from their cars.

All around them is chaos and delay as other road users have to sit and wait while the dropping-off is completed.

Many of these parents live close to the school but rather than take a healthy walk for five or ten minutes they drive, adding to congestion, pollution and road safety dangers.

A good example, at about 8.30am and 3.30pm, five days a week, are the parents outside Tylers Green Middle School, Cock Lane.

There you can see a minority of parents parking their cars on the start of a blind bend on the brow of a hill. Visibility for drivers coming up and down the hill, or round the bend, is obscured.

Just across the road is a car park where these parents could stop safely off the road and then walk their children over. The police have tried to clamp down on them but the impact of their blitz only lasts only a short time.

I hope the selfish parents read this.

Sufferer Tylers Green (Name and address
