February 8, 2001 9:28: CONCERNED residents have described a road as 'an accident to happen' because the county council will not provide salt bins.

Unclassified road, New Road, in Princes Risborough, is not gritted during times of snow and, though residents have said they would do it themselves if a salt bin was provided, Buckinghamshire County Council says it is unable to give one.

Odette Hill, of New Road, said the road was used by people from outlying villages like Speen to go to Tesco in Princes Risborough.

She said: "It's extremely dangerous. We're not even half a mile from the town centre but they won't salt up here. Last Friday we could not get out of the house."

She added: "We offered them to do the gritting ourselves but the council won't provide us with a salt bin.

"It's an accident waiting to happen"

Husband Brian, who helps run the local Neighbourhood Watch scheme said he appreciated the council having to limit the roads it gritted but thought the hilly road should be provided with a salt bin.

Richard Burton, county council spokesman, said the council was limited to gritting major roads due to budget constraints.

He said: "We sympathise with residents and users but we have a priority to grit major roads."

He added the council could only maintain a salt bin but its provision would have to be funded by other sources.

Joe Slade