March 1, 2001 9:29: RONNIE and Reggie the ferrets were on their best behaviour when they helped to raise money for orphans with Aids.

The two ferrets were part of a 17-strong gang who took part in a ferret racing evening at the Beaconsfield Royal British Legion hall in Candlemas Lane, Beaconsfield, earlier this month.

Event organiser Hayley Spracken said the evening had been an unprecedented success.

She added: "We raced the ferrets in groups of four and people put 50p bets on each race.

We had 89 people turn up which was much better than we had expected."

The ferrets were brought along by Mike Harris, who runs a ferret sanctuary in Slough.

The evening raised £700 for the Bethesda House organisation in South Africa which homes orphans with Aids.