A new charity partnership has been launched to combat knife crime in High Wycombe.

High Wycombe Business Improvement District (HWBIDCo) has joined forces with Action4Youth to tackle the root causes of crime and reduce begging in the town.

Three contactless giving boxes at the Swan car park, White Hart Street, and High Street have been raising money for the Oasis Partnership.

These boxes allow the public to donate to their cause, rather than give cash to beggars which can 'fuel an on going cycle of aggressive begging and drug addiction.'

This partnership aims to increase the fundraising capacity of the boxes to support Action4Youth in addressing the root causes of crime.

All proceeds from the 'Diverted Giving Points' will be directed to Action4Youth to fund their 12-week Breakout Programme, an anti-knife and gang initiative aimed at positively impacting the lives of at-risk young people.

An Action4Youth spokesperson said: "We are delighted by the support of HWBIDCo to continue and grow our work in the High Wycombe area.

"The Breakout programme will help stamp out knife and gang crime and keep our streets and young people safe."

A Thames Valley Police spokesperson said: "The High Wycombe neighbourhood police team fully supports the diverted giving scheme.

"Begging is a complex issue and we are working with our partners to find solutions for this.

"There are members of the public who wish to support these individuals and by using this scheme their donations can be used to best support our local communities."

HWBIDCo chief executive, Melanie Williams, said: "Street begging within the town is a complex issue, with intrinsic links to addiction and anti-social behaviour, and by giving cash directly to beggars, members of the public are inadvertently exacerbating these problems rather than helping to solve them.

"By asking the public to donate through the new ‘Diverted Giving Points’ their financial support can be put to appropriate use.

"We are not asking the public to stop giving, and we applaud their generosity, but our overarching message is don’t give direct.

"We are delighted to be working with a new charity partner who we know is invested in doing some incredible work that will help address the issues behind crime in the town centre and support young people."

HWBIDCo is a not-for-profit organisation representing the local business community and working to enhance High Wycombe town centre.

It is governed by a board of directors and funded by a levy from BID businesses, which is reinvested in local projects and events within the town centre.