More than 5,000 property sales were made in Buckinghamshire in the first quarter of 2024.

The latest house sale figures have been released, with researchers at UK conveyancing solicitors Bird & Co analysing the data to see which areas made the most sales.

In the first quarter of 2024, 5,358 properties were sold in Buckinghamshire, making up 2.32 per cent of all properties in the area.

The most popular type of property sold was detached houses, making up 33 per cent of sales.

This puts Buckinghamshire sixth in the UK for the highest number of property sales.

Daniel Chard, partner at Bird & Co, said: "Looking ahead to the house sales stats for the rest of 2024, inflation remains a key barrier for many buyers, limiting their purchasing power and cooling the market overall.

"While housebuilders are cautiously optimistic about future price stability and affordability improvements, particularly with preparations for the Future Homes Standard in 2025, the broader outlook for 2024 hinges on economic factors like wage growth and inflation.

"Ultimately, these trends will shape transactional activity and house price movements for the rest of the year."

The area with the highest number of sales in the UK was Leeds, with 7,836 properties sold.

On the other hand, areas such as Merthyr Tydfil, Rutland, City of London, and Isles of Scilly had the fewest sales in the first quarter of the year.