A block of eight flats and a new detached home can be built in High Wycombe despite ‘hindering a neighbour’s privacy’, planners have said.

The new housing behind 42 and 44 Micklefield Road will include three studios, four one-bedroom apartments and another with two bedrooms.

A new four-bedroom detached house will also be built with two parking spaces, while a further eight bays will serve the flats.

Landswick Development said its plans would ‘not be overbearing or over dominant to neighbouring properties and would not result in any unnecessary overlooking’.

However, the next-door neighbour to the site, Muhammad Ismail Riaz, registered his objection to the housing with Buckinghamshire Council.

In a letter, he said: “I’m against this project as it will hinder my privacy to a very large degree. It will be impossible for me to continue living here comfortably if it does go through.

“If the individuals requesting permission would like to purchase my property, I’d be open to discussion. Just to reiterate I am against this project and object fully.”

However, the concerns raised by Mr Riaz – the only person to object to the new homes – were not considered enough to stop the development.

Officers from the council said Landswick’s proposals would have ‘no greater impact’ upon the character of the surrounding area than the applicant’s existing permission to develop the site.

Their decision notice read: “It is therefore considered that this proposal will have no harmful effect upon the character of the surrounding area or the visual amenities of the street scene.”

The developer was previously given permission to build a terrace of houses on the same plot of land identified in its new application.

The new project retains most of the materials and landscaping features of its previously approved application, but is visually improved, according to Landswick.

Its application read: “The revised scheme has created a better stepping down effect, as advised by planning officer as part of pre-planning advice that previously approved.”

The application site forms the garden areas of the properties at 42-44 Micklefield Road and Landswick’s plans would see the existing garages demolished.

The new flats will each have their own private area: either a garden, patio or balcony, which is built into the building.

The applicant said that the design of the balconies had been amended.

Its proposals submitted to the council read: “The proposed Juliette balconies on the front elevation appear out of keeping and proportion with the design of the development as a whole.

“These features should be redesigned or removed from the proposal.”