A woman in Beaconsfield has been refused planning permission for new decking and extensions to her home.

Planners said Ms Elle Slade’s plans for Chestnut Road would be ‘beyond the limits of acceptable development’.

Her proposals for the property ‘Greeneaves’ included a two-storey side extension linking the main house to the garage and a two-storey front extension including a porch.

There would also have been raised rear decking, a part single, part two-storey rear extension and a raised roof on the garage and house so that the loft could be converted into a room.

A design and access statement read: “The objective is to transform the subject property into a substantial, very well designed and proportioned, family home, including accommodation for a dependent relative,”

The statement, written by town planner Dr Bob Newell, said the proposals had been designed to be ‘proportionate, balanced, suitably sited, and with suitably designed elevations and roof structure’.

But in their notice of refusal, Buckinghamshire Council officers said: “The resultant dwelling would appear visually obtrusive, dominant, un-proportionate and discordant form of development and would be detrimental to the character and appearance of the locality.”

Officers said Ms Slade’s proposals would be out of keeping with the existing property and would be ‘harmful to the character and appearance of the area’.

They described the proposed two-storey front extension would create a property of ‘bulky and unconventional appearance’.