A 20-year-old man has been jailed for over a year after ferrying class-A drugs between Aylesbury and Scotland and ‘cuckooing’ a vulnerable woman at her home.

Tyrees Kuba-Ngoma, of Friarscroft Way in Aylesbury, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to supply crack cocaine and heroin at Aylesbury Crown Court last Tuesday, October 1.

Police identified Kuba-Ngoma as being involved in a drug supply operation between Aylesbury and Scotland in 2022 and forced entry into a property on Lester Road in November of that year.

The 20-year-old was believed to have been ‘cuckooing’ the address, which belonged to a “vulnerable woman”, meaning he took it over as the base for his dealing activities.

He was detained by officers as he tried to flee through a back door and was arrested.

Kuba-Ngoma previously pleaded not guilty to being concerned in the supply of class-A drugs at the same court in March 2023.

After admitting to the charge last week, however, he was sentenced to one year and two months’ imprisonment, ordered to pay a £187 victim surcharge and had his mobile phone taken away to be destroyed.

PC Levi Fensom of the Buckinghamshire Proactive Team North said: “Kuba-Ngoma was involved in county lines drug supply and cuckooed a vulnerable person while dealing class A drugs.

“I am pleased that he changed his plea given the weight of evidence against him and will now serve a prison sentence as a result.

“Our Proactive teams will continue to target and pursue drug dealers, whose activities harm our communities and often target the most vulnerable people in our society.

“We will never tire of bringing offenders to justice. Our local communities play a vital role in developing intelligence into a proactive investigation.

“I would urge anybody who has any information about drug supply to please report this to us.

“You can do so confidentially by calling us on 101 or by calling the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or make a report online via our website.”