Plans to create new apartments in an office block in Wooburn Green have been submitted to Buckinghamshire Council.

Richard Lambert of Evolution (Electronic Security Systems) Ltd plans to create eight flats in units two and three of Stag Place off Town Lane.

The applicant wants to change the use of the building from offices to residential and has not proposed to make any exterior changes.

Existing vehicle access serving the offices is set to be retained, while the courtyard outside the building is big enough to accommodate 16 car parking spaces.

Floorplans for the eight proposed flats, spread across the ground and first floors, show that each has two bedrooms and will be home to four people or less.

Plans for the flats read: “The building does not materially contribute to the life and vitality of the conservation area here, in its current use.

“A residential occupation of the building will add activity and interest to the building for longer periods including at night and will add to the sustainability of the conservation area with residents able to access local services and facilities on foot.”

The building is believed to have been used as offices continually for at least the last two years prior to the application.

The applicant said that the site had no known contamination risks and that no ‘ground disturbance’ was necessary to carry out the change of use.