In response to the ongoing anti-social behaviour in the area, Bucks county council worked with police to place a partial closure order on the Dovecot carpark in High Wycombe back in July this year.

The closure order works to prohibit anyone entering and dwelling in the carpark for anything other than it's intended purposes.

A spokesperson for Thames Valley Police said the following message regarding the decision to limit access to the carpark in High Wycombe.

They said "Through working closely with representatives from Sainsburys, our business community, the carpark's security team and Bucks Council, we have seen the anti-social behaviour decreasing and can say the closure order has had an overall positive impact.

"Officers have also increased their patrols around the carpark and have so far carried out eight arrests in response to breaches of the closure order."

Sainsburys have informed the police have also seen a reduction in shopliftings and overall crime due to the targeted action and increased police presence.

Thames Valleu Police are now working with the council to extend the closure order to be in place for a longer period of time, by doing so it will allow their partners some room to work on longer term solutions to keep the carpark secure.

The spokesperson continued with the following statement outlining the work they attend to do to keep these crime statistics to a minimum.

They said "We will continue to work to deter and prevent criminal activity in the carpark to ensure it's a safe environment for all customers."