A plan to use the Tesco superstore building in High Wycombe to house the Buckinghamshire archives has been approved.

The county archives are currently kept in Aylesbury at Buckinghamshire Council’s Walton Street offices, but due to cramped storage conditions, the treasure trove of documents and records are being moved to Wycombe.

Tesco leases the building housing its town centre superstore in Wycombe from the council, which owns the property.

The retailer has agreed to downsize into the ground floor of the building only and to take on a new lease.

An application for the council to change other parts of the building to office use was approved by councillors on the West Buckinghamshire Area Planning Committee this week.

This will see a small part of the ground floor of the building changed to office use, along with the first and second floors and the access stairwells of the third floor.

As part of the plans, a reception area will be created on the ground floor, leading to the first and second floor offices.

A new entrance and canopy will be created on Denmark Street, as well as a new loading bay, while two lifts will also be provided to access the upper floors.

The Savills agent for the application told the committee meeting: “It is fantastic news that Tesco is going to remain in the ground floor and in fitting out a brand new floor within the building.”