A woman living with stage 4 breast cancer has raised more than £12,000 for charity by hosting a pink-themed party, taking her fundraising total for the charity to more than £47,000

Kate Miles, 41, from Buckinghamshire, organised the 'Breastival' event at Chiltern Forest Golf Club last weekend to raise money for Breast Cancer Now.

More than 170 guests attended the event, which included a raffle, hog roast, and silent auction.

The dress code for the evening was 'glamorous with a touch of pink'.

Ms Miles is now calling on others to join her in supporting Breast Cancer Now by participating in the 'wear it pink' fundraising day on Friday, October 18, 2024.

Ms Miles said: "I thoroughly enjoyed hosting Breastival for the second year in a row, and I am so grateful for the many wonderful individuals and businesses who supported us and to all the people who joined us at the event to make it such a success and raise an incredible amount for Breast Cancer Now.

"Breast cancer affects so many lives and many of us know someone who has faced the challenges of this disease.

"Breast Cancer Now isn’t just about raising funds – it’s about raising hope.

"The organisation is dedicated to life-changing research, care and support.

"Every penny raised helps further vital research, making early detection and better treatment possible.

"More than that, it ensures no one faces breast cancer alone, providing support through every stage of the journey.

"We have already seen the incredible strides in treatment and survival rates over the years, thanks to organisations like this, but there’s still so much to be done, and together we can make a difference through fundraising events, like upcoming wear it pink."

'Wear it pink' is one of the charity's biggest fundraising events, where thousands of people participate in dress-up days, bake sales, netball tournaments, wild swims, knitting sessions, and even bra displays.

Kinie Kaur, 'wear it pink' manager at Breast Cancer Now, said: "We want to say a huge thank you to Kate for holding her pink-themed Breastival event in support of Breast Cancer Now.

"Every 10 minutes, someone in the UK hears the words ‘you have breast cancer’.

"But by wearing pink and raising money on October 18, you could help to drive forward research and give life-changing support to those affected by this relentless disease.

"We’re working towards a future where everyone diagnosed with breast cancer lives – and is supported to live well, but we can’t do it without your help."

Since it started 23 years ago, 'wear it pink' has raised £41 million for people affected by breast cancer. Fundraising kits can be obtained from the Wear it Pink website.