Four payphones in High Wycombe will be relocated to other locations in the town centre after Buckinghamshire Council approved the plans.

The units outside Chaiiwala on White Hart Street need to be moved due to plans to regenerate that part of town.

The council said: “Planning permission has recently been granted for the erection of a communications hub, close to the current application site.

“Although, it is not an ideal design solution to have two BT telephone boxes in close proximity to a new communications hub, BT have not agreed to remove the existing four kiosks.”

Planning officers said in a decision notice that the solution put forward to relocate two of the kiosks to an altered position in White Hart Street and the other two kiosks to Pauls Row, would be a ‘slight improvement upon the existing situation’.

They said the plans would also allow the council to proceed with its planned regeneration works within this part of the town centre.

Planners said: “This proposal will have no adverse impact upon the setting of the High Wycombe Town Conservation Area, the character of the area in general, highway safety, the amenities of neighbouring residents, flooding, the environment or ecology.”

The £3.1 million regeneration of White Hart Street is set to begin in weeks, with completion estimated in March next year.

The scheme involves new paving, street furniture and planters.