A special production of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory raised £50,000 for Aylesbury hospice.

The Florence Nightingale Hospice Charity's show featured 150 children and was watched by more than 2,000 people at the Waterside Theatre, in August.

The production, which was the charity's fastest-selling show, sold out for the matinee and evening performances, raising £50,000 for the hospice.

Special production of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory raises £50k for hospice careSpecial production of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory raises £50k for hospice care (Image: Florence Nightingale Hospice Care)

Jo Turner, CEO for Florence Nightingale Hospice Charity, said: "We are delighted that Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Factory raised such an extraordinary figure.

"This is a testament to the hard work of our on stage team, made up of a large number of volunteers, who work hard to create such wonderful shows for our charity.

"The money raised will help our nurses to provide the best possible care to patients and their families across Buckinghamshire and its borders.

"Thank you to everyone who took part in, helped or came to watch Charlie and the Chocolate Factory."

The play was sponsored by organisations including ASM Metal Recycling, APS Accountancy, and George David Estate Agents, and supported by William Harding's Charity, Ellesborough Golf Club, Paul and Jennifer Clark and Bucks Radio.

The proceeds of the performance went directly to the Florence Nightingale Hospice. The charity commits to providing more than £1,200,000 in hospice services each year, and support in-patient and at-home palliative care services.

The hospice will be welcoming visitors to join them for their production of Annie, at the Wycombe Swan Theatre in November.