Over £600 has been raised to help a Stoke Mandeville pre-school after its play garden was vandalised.

Staff members from Pollyanna Pre-school along Eskdale Road discovered that certain belongings based at the charity-run establishment had been damaged during the six-week summer holiday. 

Workers found that doors, toys and painting equipment had either been destroyed or broken beyond repair.

A GoFundMe page has been set up to try and help the school, with £620 being raised so far.

This has eclipsed their £500 target.

Their page reads: “We are reaching out to our amazing local community and beyond to help us rebuild.

“Your kind donations will allow us to replace the damaged items, and with any additional funds, we hope to enhance our garden and Preschool with new toys and equipment, creating an even better environment for the children to learn and grow.

“Each contribution, no matter how small, will help us restore fun and creativity to the children who rely on these resources every day. Thank you so much for your support.”

To donate, go to https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-pollyanna-preschool-restore-our-garden-after-vandalism.