A brother and sister duo who celebrated success as child authors are now helping other dedicated youngsters get the recognition at a national awards ceremony they created.

Onkaar Nijjer, 13 and Avneet Nijjer, 11, from South Buckinghamshire, will host the SHINE Awards at the Bourne Hall in Epsom, Surrey, on Saturday, November 16.

The SHINE Awards celebrate the inspirational achievements of young people whilst raising money for charities. Nominations for the awards are now open.

The event will take place on November 16 in Surrey The event will take place on November 16 in Surrey (Image: NA)

This comes after Onkaar and Avneet have published three books between them.

Onkaar wrote ‘A Kid’s View on Confidence’, before the pair authored ‘A Kid’s View on Nature’ and ‘Everyday Mindset’ together.

Their hard work and inspirational life story have led to them collaborating with local radio stations and schools, appearing on Blue Peter, working as influential speakers and supporting charities such as Save the Children, WaterAid and children’s mental health charity Place2Be.

Onkaar said: “My sister and I became authors after we both won separate writing competitions when we were younger.

“The feeling of my work being recognised helped my confidence and gave me the encouragement I needed to keep writing.

"I’m now a bestselling author but I would not have got to where I am today without people believing in me.

Nominations are now open for people to enterNominations are now open for people to enter (Image: NA)

“We want to ignite a flame in other awesome young people so they can go on to make their dreams come true.”

Anyone aged 5-18 years old who is making a difference (big or small!) or involved in these categories can be nominated for a SHINE Award.

The deadline for nominations is Thursday, October 31.

Nominations for the SHINE Awards are now being received. The six categories are:

  • Entrepreneur Award
  • Sporting Award
  • Expression Award
  • Environmental Award
  • Drama Award
  • Community Award

In addition to this, Onkaar and Avneet have also form the M.A.D. Team - which stands for Mindful, Appreciative, Driven to Make a Difference in our world.

The siblings are aiming for more youngsters to join the M.A.D Team, which empowers children and parents to learn how to be mindful, appreciative and driven. 

It is run by youngsters, for children and their parents.

Members get access to resources that offer fun and engaging ways to get young people motivated in their daily lives.