Buckinghamshire Golf Club has been given planning permission to extend its car park and upgrade facilities at the site despite complaints from some residents.

Planners at Buckinghamshire Council approved the changes this week, including proposals to install bollard lighting and CCTV columns.

A replacement gate has also been approved, as has a new bin store, replacement fountain and the widening of the driveway by the entrance.

The club will also create new ‘laybys’, a chicane next to the south gate and fit new metal gates between the pillars.

The club is a 93-hectare private golf club located to the north of the A40 and west of the River Colne.

Part of its plans read: “It is proposed that the existing car park serving the golf course be extended further west, changing an informally laid out area of gravel and compressed soil to a tarmacked, formally laid-out car park.

“This extension to the car park would increase the number of formal parking bays from 108 to 183, comprising 147 spaces for members and 36 spaces for staff, and is needed following the expansion of the main clubhouse which is currently being completed.”

Its application to make changes was called in to a council planning committee by local councillors after objections were made by some residents.

The concerns raised include a feared increase in vehicle trips along the western avenue, increased traffic within Denham Village Conservation Area and that the CCTV would have a ‘negative visual impact’ on the area.