A Chesham Town Councillor said she is ‘delighted’ after several bins have managed to be reinstated in the area.

It was brought to the public’s attention that there were ‘a lack’ of waste buckets in the town, causing an increase in litter.

Many took to social media to express their concerns and annoyance, with several locals asking whether they will return, and why they were removed in the first place.

It is not known why the bins have been moved, but many have speculated that it is linked to the recent roadworks in the area.

Speaking to the Free Press in August, Councillor Joseph Baum said: “I appreciate the people of Chesham bringing forward their concerns and alerting me about the litter issues in the town.

“I look into the matter.”

Fast forward a week, it has been revealed that three bins have been put back in the town.

Councillor Justine Fulford said: “I’m delighted to report that three litter bins have been placed in the High Street after mysteriously vanishing.

“Still waiting for the stretch between Darvells and Waterstones to be similarly treated.

“Chesham in Bloom have done such a lovely job with the planters, the High Street is looking lovely so let’s keep it that way by using the bins now that they are back.

“Thank you to all the lovely townspeople who raised the issue with me before my post of a couple of weeks ago, and for those of you here who have added your concern on the same subject.”