A horror film whose setting is Amersham Heritage Day was recently shown at a film festival in the USA.

Trapped in Time, filmed in one day at Amersham Heritage Day in 2023, was selected for the Severed Limbs Film Festival in Massachusetts.

The 'microhorror' piece, shot on a small budget by writer and producer Nina Romain, concerns a young woman called Claire, who decides to pay a visit to the heritage event before falling victim to a time slip and a gang of Victorian thugs.

The short is shot in found footage style, similar to 90s classic The Blair Witch Project.

Charles Brewer plays a Victorian gang leader in the film.

His character warns Claire that she needs to return to her own time while she still can, but she ignores him to enjoy the fair, before encountering a gang of troublemakers in the Amersham churchyard.

Mr Brewer, 71, said: "We wanted to shoot our microhorror somewhere with a real atmosphere, and the Heritage Day has a great Victorian feel, so you could believe our characters really have gone back in time when you see them at the fair.

"As Claire looks around the fair, she realises that she hasn’t just gone for a fun day out, she’s been trapped in the past.

"My character's the Victorian gang leader and when they confront her in the churchyard, you realise things are going to go badly for her!

"It’s also great news that Trapped in Time has been selected for the Severed Limbs festival, Massachusetts - it's nice to see the whole crew and cast's hard work recognised."

This year's Amersham Heritage Day takes place on Sunday, September 8 and includes family entertainment and a vintage farmer's market.

More information about the day is available at https://amersham-tc.gov.uk/events-activities/heritage-day/.

More information about Trapped in Time is available at http://www.girlfright.com/.