Planners have stopped a Buckinghamshire man from building a new BBQ area with sunken seating in his back garden.

Anil Irala was denied planning permission for the construction of a new 2.8m high outbuilding behind his home in Green Lane, Burnham.

His blueprints for the new structure showed a sitting room, toilet and covered BBQ area, leading out into a new outdoor seating area, which would be sunken one metre below ground level.

But planners refused to back his plans, writing: “The proposed outbuilding would give rise to loss of light and an overbearing impact upon the northern neighbour.”

Some 17 letters of objection were also received from residents who raised concerns that the new building would be ‘overbearing’ on neighbours, would block light to their gardens and that the outbuilding amounted to ‘separate accommodation’.

Officers said: “The proposal will result in development covering over 50 per cent of the plot and an overdevelopment of the plot.”

The planning committee of the parish council also objected to the plans for the outbuilding, taking issue with the scale and density of the proposed structure, which would have been one metre higher than the existing fence between properties.

In a written statement it said: “The committee stated the importance of preserving the existing amenities on site, which is crucial for maintaining the overall quality of life for residents.”

Mr Irala has the right to appeal to the Secretary of State against the council’s decision.