New traffic calming measures will be installed in High Wycombe to ‘deter dangerous driving’, Buckinghamshire Council has said.

Raised tables, which slow traffic, often at junctions, as well as speed humps and speed cushions – smaller speed humps – are among the proposed changes.

The measures will be introduced in Castlefield, where ‘tackling anti-social driving was outlined as a priority’ by residents, according to the council.

People in this area of Wycombe there have been ‘subjected to significant anti-social driving with police reporting repeated occurrences’, the local authority said.

The six Castlefield roads to be fitted with traffic calming measures are Rutland Avenue, The Middleway, Spearing Road, Booker Lane, Cross Road and Whitelands Road.

Work on the project, which has been delivered as part of the ‘Opportunity Bucks’ High Wycombe scheme, will start at this week and is to be completed in December.

Opportunity Bucks is the council’s flagship programme to improve lives and outcomes in ten wards in the county where residents are ‘experiencing the most hardship’.

Steven Broadbent, the council’s deputy leader and cabinet member for transport claimed the authority had ‘worked closely’ with the community to design a scheme that will ‘directly benefit them’.

He said: “This is the sort of work our Highways teams carry out that really does have a positive impact on a local community.

“Introducing measures like this should be extremely effective in stopping motorists speeding on these routes and will make the whole area much safer for pedestrians and all road users, also hopefully lessening associated noise with speeding vehicles.”