More tributes have been left to a Chesham woman who died suddenly last week.

Paige Hall was found deceased on July 23 at the age of 25.

No cause of death has been revealed to the public.

Miss Page was a well-known member to the Chesham community, after she founded the very popular and active Acts of kindness Chiltern And Surrounding Facebook page.

The page, which has gathered close to 20,000 members, has played a huge role in helping those in the town and beyond, as it has led to people donating money, food, and items to those in need.

Her sudden passing was confirmed on July 25 by her mother, Jeanette Steward, on Facebook.

Since then, hundreds of tributes have been left for the much-loved 25-year-old, as well as a GoFundMe page.

All the money raised will go towards Paige’s family, and at the time of writing, £3,100 has been donated – eclipsing the £3,000 goal.

An extract from the page reads: “This beautiful, kind, caring young lady set up the charity page Acts of Kindness, Chiltern & surrounding areas almost 5 years ago.

“She gave so much of her own time, committed to helping those in need, making sure kids in hospitals got their Easter Eggs/Xmas gifts, supporting the local women’s aid charities, dog charities - to be honest - she helped everyone & anyone she possibly could - too many to list.

“Paige’s AOK [act of kindness] page has over 19k members.

“If we can give £1 each, just imagine the support we would be giving her family.

“Paige’s beautiful son, Jenson, will need so much support - his mummy was his world.

“If we can help lift some of the financial burden at the moment this will really help them focus on the important things right now.”

One online tribute from the Chiltern Toy Bank reads: “Such very sad news that one of our main supporters, the person who ran Acts of Kindness and had a heart of gold has passed away.

“RIP Paige Hall, you will be so missed.”

TanTan, a tanning in Chesham also shared their sadness by saying: Paige was not just a customer but a friend.

TanTan Chesham were honoured to help with a few of her Easter Egg collections for Children in Hospital - just one of her many selfless acts.

“We fondly chatted with about her invitation to meet the King for afternoon tea in celebration of her selfless charitable work.

“She was an inspirational young lady full of compassion and a commitment to help others.”

To celebrate the 25-year-old, lanterns were let off at Prestwood Common in the evening of July 28.

Hundreds of people attended the event.

To donate to the GoFundMe page, visit