The leader of Buckinghamshire Council has taken to social media to thank members of the public after he was made aware of a pothole repair ‘bodge job’.

Martin Tett posted a series of messages on X [formerly known as Twitter], a video went viral of workmen not efficiently fixing a pothole along a Beaconsfield street.

In the near 90-second clip, the workers are seen filling the hole with tarmac via a wheelbarrow, but instead of rolling over the substance to make the surface flat for motorists, they opted to use their feet.

The video was met with widespread outrage, with many criticizing the worker’s incompetence, laziness and ‘lack of consideration’ in their method to get the road fixed.

The video was shot at the start of this month, but it was made aware to the public on July 8.

Mr Tett, who received several tweets about the incident, decided to publicly reply to as many messages as possible.

After being notified by the X user, Mr Pothole, who brought the video to the council leader’s attention, he said: “I can confirm this is being investigated.

"Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

“If you see poor quality work report it to the council so it can be investigated.”

One user said: “I’m sure I’ve said it before, but last year [when I was] walking the dog in the pouring rain, there was  a jet patch truck operator.

“[They] were sweeping the water out with a brush (all running back in of course) but they patched it anyway, over what must have been six inches of water.

Mr Tett responded back with: “No details given, but my best guess would be that this was a category 1 defect that needed urgently making safe.

“We would of course have been criticised had we not done so.”

Mr Pothole, who has amassed over over 7,000 followers on the site, said: “There are social media groups appearing daily for potholes across the country and lots of pictures/videos are being posted.

“Everyone has a mobile phone with a camera nowadays.

“You really need to get the message out.

“The public is watching like never before.”

Steven Broadbent, Buckinghamshire Council’s Cabinet Member for Transport, said: “We thank the resident for making us aware of this repair.

"Clearly using a boot to flatten a repair, even a temporary one, is not our approved method and should not happen.

"We will be reviewing this with the crew involved and are also looking into the time taken for this repair to happen.

"Corrective action will be taken and we apologise that this isn’t up to our usual high standards."

The matter is hoped to be resolved in the near future.