The recent rainstorms have caused havoc in South Buckinghamshire as residents have been impacted by severe flooding.

Across July 6 and July 7, parts of the South East of England were hit with showers that caused significant delays on the roads.

The problems were noticeable along Moor Road in Chesham, as the water levels reached heights too high for some vehicles to go through in.

The floods were partly caused by the River Chess overflowing in the town.

Taking to Facebook, a spokesperson from the River Chess Association said: “For those of you living in Chesham you will be aware of the flooding on Moor Road, this is mainly due to vegetation in the Channel of the Lords Mill Pond.

“It is the responsibility of the Riparian Owner to keep this clear to avoid flooding.

"In this case the Riparian Owner is Buckinghamshire Council.  

“In their own advice to Riparian Owner on their website they make this abundantly clear.

“We have been speaking with them for years reminding them of their responsibility but as yet no action.

“We are prepared to help but need a compliant Riparian Owner.”

Lee Evans Birding, who lives in the area, added: “As most of you are fully aware, the road by the swimming pool has now become the River Chess and is flooded badly and causing damage to the road surface.

“Although passable with care by vans, 4 x 4's or most modern SUVs, I would not recommend it to anyone driving minis, BMWs or lowered Mercedes and the like.

“The road is deep in places and several cars were damaged by water intake in the seven hours that I spent on site directing and helping people out.

“The Latimer Road is also badly affected.

“I personally have never seen the Moor Road this bad, with the entire children's play area and allotments underwater.

“The water table is so saturated that the rainwater no longer has anywhere to go, and because of the dense vegetation along one 400-yard stretch of river, the Chess is now utilising the road as a natural course and is reverting to how it was many centuries ago.

“If you insist on driving Moor Road, please keep to the right of the flood sign to prevent causing damage to your vehicle and flooding the engine.

“When darkness falls, this will be a very dangerous section of road.”

We have contacted Buckinghamshire Council for a comment.