Steve Baker is expected to lose his seat in Wycombe and has less than a one per cent chance of winning, according to the latest poll. 

The Conservative politician has held the seat since 2010. 

Reacting to the exit poll, Steve Baker said he thought the election result would create “a bad situation for the country but one from which we can recover”, which he said would not have been the case if Jeremy Corbyn had been in Number 10.

The minister added that Rishi Sunak’s early exit from D-Day commemorations was “plainly a mistake” but praised the Prime Minister’s “capacity to execute and grip detail”.

“I’ve got a great deal of admiration for him. I think he will do what he believes is in the national interest,” Mr Baker told BBC News.

Of the exit poll, he said: “I think this will create a bad situation for the country but one from which we can recover.

“That wouldn’t have been the case if Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell had taken power.”

He refused to be publicly drawn on whether he would run for the Tory leadership, saying: “I don’t want to get into that tonight… I’ve got a great deal for respect for Rishi Sunak. I think he’s a man with a brilliant mind and a great heart for our country.”